Well, a lot has happen to me since November 2010, what you may ask. Well I was arrested in Nov.18 because my wife (soon ex-wife) went off the deep end could no longer handle her postpartum depression any longer and snapped. I have no idea what happen since I returned from the hospital that day and was arrested by people by the police. My Claimed that she was endanger and obviously such we live in a time when men are automatically wrong. However, the judge let me go for lack of proof and my court appointed lawyer has gotten the charger’s dropped one by one slowly. Hopefully, soon all the charger’s will be dropped and I can go on with my life as I should. The major problem that I am having, is that I have two children a 3 year named Kyo and 8 month old named Sora. I miss both my kids greatly and I think about them daily. However, I did get a court order to see my kids at least three times a week which makes me happy.
Now it has been nearly four months since that time and I’ve been going to court here and there. Not begin able to live in my own home and afar from my kids, I’ve started to move on with my life. New Girlfriend, new goal in life, new everything if possible. I’ve started looking at things that I never did before and even considered going back to school for something maybe Architecture, I am good at math haha. I also started writing a new novel about the game I wish to create someday and even got back in touch with my family which I was forbidden to see the last 6 or so years. However, my ex-wife made it a point to go around calling my family members telling them, I was cheating on my wife with this imaginary girl named “Trisha” .. I don’t even think I have friends that have a friend named Trisha lol but, whatever my ex-wife wants to believe. I do believe in time my ex-wife will overcome her Postpartum depression and move on with her life and find happiness but, I don’t know and I really just care about my kids and what this is going to do to them; such as my eldest son when visiting me cries saying “no!! home! no home please don’t bring me home. I want to stay with you dad” This just breaks my heart and I don’t know what to do. –_- however, Kyo daddy is strong and doesn’t’ cry not until you leave.
But as much this was my personal rant about my life and just stress release. It felt great to finally put it out there and there are many details I overlooked when writing this but , ^_^ it is my blog after all hehe. I have found a new game called Xsyon and will be trying to get into a beta to test it. ^_^
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