Friday, February 25, 2011

Xsyon: Talks with Pandemic


I sat down and talked with Leader : Inquisitor and War Chief : Dark Goddess and talked about the recent events in game and on the forums.  It is a 14 minute interview and it is my first time doing so. In time I will get better and I hope everyone enjoys.


Video is working fine again, however here is a Xsyon –AD for the paper.



  1. Ok, since you have no comments I will throw you a bone, so it looks like people are actually interested.

    Ok, so you talk to Pandemic, and they claim they are picked on by Guides and Devs due to Hopi being shown favouritism......big shocker there.
    It has been stated over and over again, there is no favouritism being shown to anyone, the totem replacement thing was for ALL, not just for Hopi.
    Now, what I want to know, is why did the leader of Pandemic, the person who is claiming Hopi get better treatment than anyone else, send an Email to Xsyon on the 15th of Feb, asking Xsyon to reserve the totem for his tribe? he sent that Email before the lagfest that was the headstart, and before all ths crap with Hopi was kicked off by him.
    Why is he wrongly targetting Hopi over incorrectly percieved favouritism, when he himself tried to get favouritism shown to his tribe? and if he denies it, ask him how he can even try to do so after he posted the Email he sent on the Xsyon forums, along with the reply from Xsyon.
    Get those questions asked and credibly answered, and people might take you a bit more seriously.

  2. I think the email referd mostly asking if its possible to resorve spot and admin replied it is not! Tho hopi stating that that offer stands so there is conflicting information

  3. anyone that thinks anything said here by Furanku or pandemic has any credibility or basis in fact (or truth for that matter), is seriously deluding themsleves.
    This is just a platform for ego and Epeen stroking, Furanku is ALLIED with pandemic, anything he says about xsyon, or anyone outside of the little alliance furanku/pandemic/whoever is just done to make the alliance feel good about their sad little lives
    tbh, they are all just a waste of the air they breathe

  4. With regards to the Email from the leader of pandemic.
    He sent his Email on the 15th of Feb, asking for his tribe totem location to be secured for launch.
    The pre-order launch lagfest was on the 18th of Feb.
    Xsyon made a statement AFTER the lagfest headstart caused totem issue's, that if possible, legitimately placed totems would be replaced/maintained.

    So, with those facts laid out clearly, let us clear up somethings shall we.

    Pandemic leadership tried to gain an advantage by asking for favouritism with regards to totem placement at launch, they recieved an email back stating it could not be done.
    Then lag causes problems with totem placement at the pre-order launch, so Xsyon then states he will try to help ALL tribes with totem issues.
    Hopi have a totem issue and discuss it, some Pandemic try and use that discussion as evidence that Hopi are doing what PANDEMIC THEMSELVES TRIED TO DO.

    hope this is clear enough for you, maybe now you can redo the interview and ask them some decent questions?
    But you dont care really do you, as long as people keep thinking Hopi are the bad guys.

  5. Your comment is invalid due to fact hopi them selfs admited that jordi offered and told there will be possibility for old beta tribes to get spots...

    This was deal before the launch unless you havent been here since early days of beta you wouldnt know...

    So in All fairness Pandemic asking question before launch is nothing wrong I am sure other tribes have asked similar question...

    The issue arises if only one tribe has such deal offered but rest ignored and I think this is what pandemic was trying to prove

  6. Anyone can claim a tribe had a deal due to being in beta, that does not make it so, and claiming otherwise just shows how idiotic all this is.
    At the end of the day, Pandemic got butt hurt because Hopi are something they will never be, a large good tribe with good people. They even lie in the interview, they did not come over and try to PVP with Hopi as Pandemic at all, they came over as Evil Hopi, and it was Evil Hopi members that were reported for being abusive little pricks. It is bullshit about the unedited version of the recording too, it would have no effect at all if they did post the full recording, the only people mentioned at all were Jordy AKA Jooky, AKA Xsyon, and maybe Virtus.
    As far as learnig lessons, the only lesson learned from this is what stupid, childish, and whiney little bitch's some members of Pandemic are.

  7. I think the troll is that they called themselfs evil hopi to actualy make it more obvious that they were after you.. Also we havent heard side of story from hopi leadership ^^.. I guess they leadership cant do any damage control apart of complaining to gms... Does hopi even have leadership?

  8. I think that anyone slinging mud in these comments is doing so at the cost of a Cadmean victory.

    Whilst many of us deplore the methods used by Pandemic out of game (Hopi especially, for obvious reasons), I am not at all convinced that the resons behind their actions were not right.

    If any of us, along with their friends, found what we believed, for whatever reason, was proof of cheating/exploiting/griefing in any game, I think the first thing we would do is pass that information to the correct game authority for it to be dealt with.

    If the response from that authority was ambiguous and not confirming, denying or seen to do anything about the percieved problem, I think quite a few of us would bring this to the attention of the community in some form as last resort.

    As to their in-game actions, there is one obvious point that everyone seems to have missed. If they were in breach of the ToS, from what has been posted, they would of been banned for sure. As far as I understand it, the only one of them who was banned was falsely accused?

    I really don't want to start a flame war, and I'd like to clarify I do not agree with Pandemic's out of game methodology of bringing this to light (too much drama in it for my taste), nor to be honest their in-game style.

    Just I think they may not be as black as everyone seems to be painting them.

    Just my 2c

  9. I will say this since it was mentioned.

    This blog is completely 100% objective. I allied myself to Pandemic to increase my gaming pleasure with my Tribe. Now, That does not affecrt my judgement as I did post a letter from a hopi member, and I posted objectively. I also do not insult Hopi on here unless the proof is 100%.

  10. 100% proof? lol, what a crock of shit, its already been proven that pandemic are just out to grief and took all that was said out of context, but you still have that shit on here.
    what a twat

  11. how has it been proven?

  12. they said it in the interview that they were griefing, and they admitted on the xsyon forum they were wrong, and the so called leader of pandemic even said "An on last note 'it was only later found out that Hopi leaders were talking about a chance offered to every tribe with legitimate totems'"
    but you still have shit on here about hopi
    as I said
    what a twat.

  13. loool no he never said that u dumbass

  14. yes, in fact he did, and it is still there for all to see
    by the way, tell inquisitwat not to cry too much, at least he can join that other dickhead cj lol
    enjoy the ban tossers!!!!

  15. I'd be mad too bro if I was as ugly as you.

    Get a fucking life. Find some man's hole to shoot your load in.

  16. and he still has the this lame shit on here, what a fucking tool

    pandemic must be really laying the pipe to furanku

    only real question is does furanku spit or swallow?


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