Sunday, February 27, 2011

Xsyon: Urgent NEWS! GM Armand Caught!

I was rushed this story from an inside source! A Guide step forward and handed this over to prove that there is Guides Abusing their power!

I could write an Epic Story about how a guide is abusing their power, and how Hopi Tribe now PROVEN to have a Guide in their pocket but I will let the screen shot of the topic speak for it's self.

Please NOTE the following. That this is SENIOR FORUMS!




Armand a member of Hopi Tribe had to say as he, himself was banned from begin a GM



The source of this story has also informed us that there are more Guides and GM’s within Hopi Tribe. However, will these guides also slip up as GM Armand and abuse their powers to help their tribes. Also this was sent to me as FAN art regarding the late events.




  1. This game is seriously comprimised

  2. shame on you hopi and shame on gms

  3. I wonder what will hopi members say this time? fake? this is not our gm lool

  4. Wanna pvp? make friends with gms like hopi does...

  5. Note that the message doesn't say anywhere there was any proof that this actually happened, only that Ikisis said it did. There's no attached screenshots or anything supporting the claims. Move along.

  6. gm saiz cleary they got hopi gms are u dumb or blind?

  7. No, it says clearly that IKISIS said he thinks Hopi has guides, not that the guide agrees.

  8. as we all know he clearly points out how guide teleported to him and killed everyone loool poor zerg...

    So now i just wanna see how virtus will deny everything and hopi just saying all this is fake loool

    I have lost all belief in gms this game is becoming retarded

  9. GM caught? no evidence if that here... old info according to lead GM.... You're top notch there Mr. Woodward!

  10. lool well hopi member gm just got banned ^^ that is kinda ironic as they said they got no gms..

    This where his last words

    Armad (hopi member) 'All I have to say is shame on you guides who took the word of a known troll to crucify one of your own. You assumed and pointed fingers without any measure of proof'.

  11. I'll update the Post in a momment but ot let you all know before I do.

    -Armad a Guide for Hopi Tribe has been removed as a Guide.

  12. Where are you getting that he was ever a guide?
    I can't find that in the post and nothing has changed with his profile.

  13. Exactly. That screenshot doesn't mean he is a guide. Get a grip and learn to do some real deductive reasoning instead of assuming crap.

  14. Pity some guides were not seemingly aware that their actions are logged whilst on the Guide client.

    Pity some Tribe leaders were such bigmouths.

    Pity most of the community were happy to mud sling aginst those who, it transpires, were right.

    Lets hope this last round was enough to stop the cheating going on in Xyson.

    If we are still in "beta", wipe the client for launch. At launch, ensure no GM uses teleport on a TL to place a totem.

    If we are NOT still in beta (ie if totems are being saved), let ALL totems now stand as they are.


  15. I work at NG and know Jooky is in Hopi tribe. He is also building them a secret under water base where they will not be threatened. There they will build guns 6 months before they are released to the general players. During those 6 months Hopi will rain terror with there OP weapons.

  16. Lol! It's ok we will always have spies to steal their OP weaps and find the big red button with a sign above it saying "self-distruct" on their villanous James Bonesque base.

  17. Wow that's a mighty big leap of logic there Furanku even for you. Armand is not a guide, he does not have to be a guide to make that statement. Grow up and do some of your own thinking for once.

    Also that fanart is HIGHLY unbecoming of a self-delcared news source. But whatever, it only makes you look more ridiculous

  18. Eh... there's no proof here.

  19. This is what passes for "news?" Haha... wow.

  20. Armand isn't banned either, and nobody anywhere has in fact said anything of the sort. He's still on the forums and in-game. Somebody's trolling you Furanku, and you're falling for it hook line and sinker, without any proof. That is why nobody outside of your alliance will ever respect this blog.

  21. Gee, this isn't biased speculative drivel AT ALL...

  22. Armanda has guides account ofcourse armanda is not banned he is still playing just his guides account has been closed...

  23. hey furanku, time to bend over again so pandemic can screw you like the little bitch you are

  24. If I was a guide, I would've made it my personal crusade to have you and your little butt buddies banned.

    See you in game chump.


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