Sunday, February 27, 2011

Xsyon: Guide Xaphan Talks


I spoke with Guild Xaphan and it was anything but informative. Here is the conversation.






  1. If avoiding a question when your doing a bit of PR, please learn to avoid well or you end up looking like your clueless.

  2. yep thats pretty much guides answears as always ^^ deny anything confirm nothing.. at least this guide seems to be mroe compitent then others

  3. This is how it should work to be honest, Xaphan isn't really in any position to speak for the company, Guides are just fan volunteers.

  4. Then why is he offering an interview, with the implicit ideal that he represents the company?

    FFS it's ridiculous. TBH Notorious Gaming is on such shakey ground ATM that you'd think, at least, they'd put forward a representitive capable of answering ANY SINGLE question asked.

  5. They should answer questions from who? This guy? A known troll, now playing some type of a reporter with a blatantly obvious agenda?

  6. "They should answer questions from who? This guy? A known troll, now playing some type of a reporter with a blatantly obvious agenda?"

    If so, why then agree to do an interview in the first place? That's almost as bad as not answering a single question in one.

  7. "If so, why then agree to do an interview in the first place? That's almost as bad as not answering a single question in one."

    Because it was a conversation, just as the "journalist" stated? Did you honestly expect earth shattering, inside info from a guide, to be released here? really?

  8. This "news" site is a farce. It functions better as a window into the mind of an idiot.

  9. update you blog FFS! A tribe left your alliance and that is not news worthy? What a fuckin joke

  10. news site my arse, the guy that runs this is a tool
    he is just pandemics little bitch

  11. Pandemic and TGM are quickly turning into or already are the jokes of Xsyon. Keep up the good work. I will enjoy watching your train wreck.


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